The issue is certainly the most prominent on Takistan and it's related maps. However, the character lighting and map lighting match the best out of any map in CUP (despite the light being super dark).
When set to overcast, the map looks almost like it's night time. While Proving Grounds isn't necessarily affected the same way, the ambient lighting in it's entirety (both character and map) is very dark. Many grass dense maps show that the ground texture and character match, but the grass itself does not match either (prominent on Chernarus, bright grass on overcast day). Maps that are affected vary in severity of the issue Maps unaffected: Sahrani, Southern Sahrani, Utes, Malden, Kolgujev, Nogova, United Sahrani, Porto, Bystrica, and Proving Grounds. Maps affected: Rahmadi, Desert Island, Chernarus, Summer Chernarus, Takistan, Zargabad, Everon, Takistain Mountains, Bukovina, Desert, and Shapur. This is present both during clear and overcast weathers. This causes units to be extremely easy to see under these conditions and breaks gameplay. The units appear dark (near black) on the brighter terrain. This is extremely noticeable when any of these maps are given overcast weather.
Ambient lighting on units in-game does not match the ambient lighting applied to the map.